This is the website and vanity project of Kenneth Broder, a retired Los Angeles Times news editor and former blogger for
Once upon a time The Editor's Disclaimer was a place to post weekly standings of Hardball, a private, non-profit fantasy baseball league run strictly for the amusement of, well, mostly me, and the ever-changing cast of team managers. ... Then it mutated.
First and foremost, I am a journalist. Former urban reporter, sports columnist, copy desk slot, manager, newsroom tech troubleshooter and teacher, and page designer for web and print. I spent 30 years working for newspapers in Southern California, the last 19 with the Los Angeles Times. After a brief hiatus, I helped develop the California website for and was its featured political blogger.
I am also a mostly-self-taught computer geek who has written the programs and maintained the databases used to power the aforementioned fantasy league that provided the stats encompassing much of this website.
What's on the Website
The Editors Disclaimer -- The homepage (and domain name), the
About the editor
12 Essays at Editor's Disclaimer wordpress blog mostly from 2010 (one from 2008)
30 L. A. Herald Examiner baseball columns and intro from 1988
Movie webpage (2,500+ since 1903 listed)
Recordings webpage (List of all I own)
Site map. Most of this stuff, but with links
E-mail portal
He Said, She Said (A journal)
Hardball -- A second "website" houses the Hardball fantasy baseball application, Seven main programs -- 5,500 lines of code (php, perl, javascript, html and css) -- create webpages and tools, and generate leagues, charts and graphs. Leagues are 30-page-plus
51 Best Player leagues
18 Historical leagues
8 Hardball rotisserie leagues
Memorable Moments essay
Hardball MVP ratings over the years
Hardball standings 1984-2000
DatabaseCharts and graphs are powered by an sql database containing all MLB player records.
AllGov2,500+ AllGov blog items, 2012-2015