Years ago, I took a hiatus from the Hardball fantasy league for various reasons, among them to redesign this website to be interactive with databases via charts and graphs. That work is nearly done.
I may hold another draft sometime in the future. As usual, there would be nine or 10 teams, each drafted by its general manager, and would follow the same guidelines we used in the past. (See the THE INTRODUCTION)
The last time we did THIS, Chuck Wraight and Fred Eisenhammer battled it out down to the final week. Probably the most remarkable thing about that season was that Barry Bonds didn't dominate it.
So, what's new?
For one thing, I've "borrowed" a database of every player to play the game and hooked it up to some charts and graphs, which are still being refined; they haven't been tested on a mac and may be a too slow for a dial-up connection. Take a LOOK, and try not to break it. Click on the Career radio button for Hitters or Pitchers and then click on the List Players button. Once you get the player's stats in the table, click on any column heading for a graph of that category.
You can do the same thing for Seasonal statistics. Seasonal stats are compiled monthly and based on how players are doing in our league. For now, I've uploaded the monthly stats from 2000, the last Hardball year.
I have also created a CHART/GRAPH of how teams in our league are doing, which will be updated weekly. Again, you can check out how the teams did in 2000. Click on a team name to see a graph.
I'm pretty sure none of you spend time mousing around my website; you have lives. But the historical leagues are kinda interesting. And there are a few pages that aren't listed on the HOME page. You have to go to the SITE MAP for them.
This is all pretty much a work in progress, and hopefully will ever remain so. (Maybe an online draft in the future.) So please let me know if you find any bugs or have any suggestions.